remarkable gumbo — history, adventure, and science combined with
an unrelentingly good yarn.”
— John Bredar, Executive Producer
National Geographic Film and Television
“This is not just another oceanic treasure-hunt. It is a unique
and dramatic blend of historical research, biographical analyses, dogged
and determined detective-work, and revolutionary deep-sea technology.”
— Sir John Rawlins, Vice Admiral
British Royal Navy
“In many ways the incredible story of Odyssey’s discovery
and excavation of the Republic is the history of America. With
mesmerizing technology and sensational finds, Lost Gold brilliantly
brings to life the hopes, fears, and tragedy of a fledgling nation,
encapsulated by one shipwreck.”
— Dr. Sean Kingsley, Editor
Minerva: The International Review
of Ancient Art and Archaeology

Press Releases
National Media Coverage: Jane Wesman
Public Relations
tel: 212.620.4080
Contact: Lori Ames
Veteran Journalist Priit Vesilind Takes Readers on an Extraordinary
Voyage into the Depths of the Atlantic To Witness the Amazing Recovery
of the Treasure-laden SS Republic.

Author and Book Cover Images
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